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Uniforms & Accoutrements
"... a Uniform Pretty Regiment"
Court Martial Records
On Trial for the Theft of Goods:
John Cox & John Woods, H.M. 23rd Regiment of Foot
Benjamin Doran and William Lamb, H.M. 63rd Regiment
Boston 27 September 1775
Witness from H.M. 23rd Regiment of Foot on the identification of Doran and Lamb:
"Q. Does he know that they were of the 63rd Regt.? A. He knows it from their lapels, and the double looped button holes."
(WO 71/81 p405-430)

Paired or "Double Looped Button Holes"

Facing Wool and Lace - H.M. 63rd Regiment of Foot
The Lace Book c. 1768
(Royal Library, Windsor Castle)

Light Infantry Soldier in Campaign Dress
1778 Campaign
(Don Troiani)

Portrait of a Grenadier Officer in the Collection of the National Army Museum, London
Labeled as H.M. 63rd Regiment of Foot c. 1775, but likely an Officer of Militia
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