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Schedule of Events
Whenever we go on the road, we're always followed by mobs of sexy young groupies who want to know where their favorite men in uniform are going to make their next appearance. OK... In reality, many of us have wives who demand to know exactly where we are in case they need to track us down to tell us we have to bring home milk and bread. In either case, we've somehow managed to put together a Schedule of Events:
May 25, 2013: Hartwell Tavern, Minuteman National Historic Park
The British Army in the American Revolution
June 08, 2013: Old Sturbridge Village Muster Day as Capt. Brown's Co.
Run by Derek Heideman of H.M. 40th Regt. of Foot
August 17, 2013: Living History Day at Adams National Park, Quincy, MA
With McAlpin's Corps. of Loyalists
September 14, 2013: Barrett Farm, Minuteman National Historic Park
The British Army in the American Revolution
October 18, 2013: Battle of the Hook, Virginia (Major Push)
January 25-26, 2014: Fort Ticonderoga, New York
Material Matters Seminar
Presentations by Members Matt Brenckle & OG Theberge

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