Interested in Taking the King's Shilling?

If you've enjoyed what you've read so far and, by chance, you have an interest in joining one of the best, and admittedly one of the most dedicated, thread counting, anal retentive, living history organizations in existance, we would love to hear from you!
As a disclaimer, we in the 63rd Regiment of Foot admit that our organization is not suited for everyone. Quite frankly, we are not a very family oriented group that enjoys the (blatantly incorrect) camping, cooking, and burning of gunpowder that you see at most "Revolutionary War Reenactments". Being a group whose ranks and files are filled with researchers, authors, professional military historians, speakers, teachers, and active military, our primary focus is research-based public education. In the face of many adversities, our mission has always been to teach the TRUE "Life and Times" of the common soldier during the American War for Independence to anyone who is willing to learn.
We confess that we are a male dominated military oriented organization, as was the original Regiment we portray. That said, we do have members whose wives, girlfriends, and children have joined us in the field. These wonderful people have always added much to our public impression and interpretation. For the good of the organization, however, we request that members' wives and girlfriends do not attend the same event at the same time as this makes for a very uncomfortable situation for all of us (Only kidding, honey, not that you would ever remotely think of looking at this site).
If we haven't scared you off by now and you are still interested in joining our group, please contact us so that we can meet you! All kidding aside, we are a great group of guys who are close friends. Although most of our new members are usually seasoned, grizzled or disgruntled veterens from the "hobby" seeking a more historically significant experience, novices are always welcome. Give us a call to see if we are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for us. Details and requirements of membership will be discussed upon contact. Just like the original 63rd Foot, we take in all kinds!
Gibb's House 27th February 1780
Three days ago, I reported our having lost a Man by desertion, to General Huyne. I am now to inform you that he was taken up by Three Black Men at a distant part of the Island, & brought here last night. He wanted one of them to carry him to Charlestown.
This Fellow is one of our last recruits from England, & is a most infamous Villain. He has (before he joined the 63d) deserted from both Land & Sea Service, & from the Rebell Service.
If the Commander in Chief is not inclined to bring him to a General Court Martial, I hope he will approve of my drumming him out of the Regt., After which I mean to turn him over to One of [our] Galleys.
I am with much regard
Your Most Obedt. Huml. Servant
63d Regt.
Deputy Adjt. Genl.
Head Quarters
(University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 87, item 9)

by Samuel Collings